1. Define Project Objectives
Define the objectives of the project as they relate to the goals and objectives of the organization. Project objectives are used to establish performance goals – planned levels of accomplishment stated as measurable objectives that can be compared to actual results. Performance measures should be derived for each goal. These measures can be quantified to see if the project is meeting the department’s objectives. Project performance can then be traced directly to the Department’s goals, mission and objectives, enabling participants to correct areas that are not meeting those objectives.

Project objectives can be described in two ways:

• Hard Objectives – Relate to the time, cost and operational objectives (scope) of the product or process
• Soft Objectives – Relate more to how the objectives are achieved, and which may include attitude, behavior, expectations and communications.

Project objectives can also be seen as a set of objective statements, including:

• Outcome – Be specific in targeting an objective
• Metrics – Establish a measurable indicator(s) of the progress
• Ownership – Make the objective assignable to a person for completion
• Time Frame – State what can realistically be done with available resources.

Project objectives are communicated in the Project Charter to ensure that all Stakeholders understand the organization’s needs that the project addresses.


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