Project Manager Duties and Responsibilities

Project manager duties and project manager responsibilities are closely related to each other
A manager is someone who manages the five M's of a business, namely men, material, machine, money and motivating factors. A project manager receives formal project management training to deal with any project, closely related with construction, architecture, telecommunications and other infrastructural projects. Project managers also manage the projects related to the fields of design, sales and services. Basically, the job description of a project manager is that to manage the project that he is assigned with. Hence, be becomes accountable for both, starting the project as slated, and finishing it on time. Project manager duties and project manager responsibilities are the guidelines for effective management.

Difference Between Duty and Responsibility

Duties and responsibilities go hand in hand. However, there is a fine line of distinction between the two. Duty is a task performed by a person out of his job profile, and responsibilities are obligations for which he is accountable. All duties may not be responsibilities, but all responsibilities are duties. For example, it is a manager's duty to manage the task, but it is not his responsibility to pay for someones mistake. Project management is associated with imparting the duties and responsibilities for a manager. Duties of project manager and responsibilities of project manger have been studied by many management experts and are made to suit the business in the most effective ways. Those aspiring to be project managers have to learn to be on an eternal vigil, develop a vision, take proactive decisions and understand the diversity in training. Project management is a discipline of planning, organizing and managing a specific task and bring about its completion with excellency.
Project Manager Duties
It is the manger's duty to supervise and coordinate all the activities.
A manager has to see to it, that the task is performed to the fullest of the efficiency.
A manager has to plan out an organizational structure to bring out ease and flow in the task.
He must suggest new policies and modifications in order to reform the nature of work.
It is his prime most duty to participate in meetings, discussions, project site visits, workshops and hearings.
A manager has to prepare bids and proposals for the prospective clients to expand business operations.
A manager should provide full information to the accounts departments and auditors and assist them in case of difficulty.
He must determine the resources required for the purpose of production.
He must has keep preparing status reports and presenting them to higher managing authorities for scrutinizing.

What are the Responsibilities of A Project Manager?
A project manager has to deliver the performance with better success rates.
He should be able to lead his team and bring out the best in them.
It is his responsibility to perform and give with truth and honesty.
By the virtue of being a manager, he has to maintain confidentiality.
He is responsible for establishing easy communication between the employees and the higher authority.
In case of emergency, he should be able to solve problems for his team members.
He is responsible for good team building, which is defined by success.


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